Thursday 102004
/Think before you fork!
There are only two weeks left of our official Paleo Challenge. Everyone has seen a loss in weight, favorable change in body composition, and improvement in performance in just one month. Removing sugar from our diets has improved mental focus and helped our energy regulation. Jim even tried a bit of a cheat with a dark chocolate bar and it made him sick! My heart sang when he said "I can't go back!"
What will you do after the six week challenge is over? Will you go back to your old ways of eating? Have you found a paleo groove you can stay in and continue to eat well? Will you celebrate your 6 weeks of success with a pint or three of Ben & Jerry's? (Preferably Americone Dream, Karamel Sutra, and Triple Caramel Chunk!)
My hope is that we can sustain at least an 85% paleo diet. That basically means eating right when you have control over the situation (breakfast at home, pack your lunch, most dinners), make smart choices when out to dinner or at a friend's house (double veggies, no baked potato please) and when there are paleo or healthy options, eat what's in front of you and don't freak out about it (yes, I'd love another slice of pizza, thanks!).
The point of 6 strict weeks is clear our system of irritants and get us on the right track, but the bigger picture is finding a healthy way of eating on the long term, so- Think before you fork!
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3