Paleo Nutrition Challenge Announcements
/As part of the Paleo Nutrition Challenge, we are measuring performance in 3 different workouts. If you are participating in the Challenge, we need you to complete each WOD. As usual, we will scale the workouts to your ability. We will run the challenge WODs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with makeups (if you are unable to make it to class) available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Here's the rundown of the three workouts:
Monday: One Rep Max Back Squat
Wednesday: "Jerry"- Run 1 mile, Row 2k, Run 1 mile
Friday: "Fran"- 21-15-9 reps of: 95# Thruster, Pull Ups
If you are not participating in the challenge, you still have to do these WODs, even Fran!
We will also begin collecting "Before" data, so please be prepared to take your photo. In order to see most improvement we suggest guys in shorts/no shirt and girls in shorts/sports bra. If you are not comfortable with this, you can wear whatever you like, but it may affect the voting!