Saturday 110716
/Gene and Herm are "Team Germ" and completing the following WOD in at CrossFit Chula Vista. The event is in support of Mammograms in Action and Barbells for Boobs. Pick a teammate and do two girls in one workout!
"Helen meets Grace"
Run 400 (both teammates must run together)
21 KB Swings, 53# (swings can't begin until both members are back from run)
12 Pull ups
Run 400 (both teammates must run together)
21 KB Swings, 53#
12 Pull ups
Run 400 (both teammates must run together)
21 KB Swings, 53#
12 Pull ups
30 Clean and Jerk, 135#
Teammates can tag in and out of the KB swings, pull ups and clean and jerks, only one person can work at a time.