Monday 121029

Halloween Party Potluck/Competition group shot. Some GREAT costumes!!

Prepare to improve some basic movements and develop strength too! For the next month we will be using the "Classic CrossFit Warm up" to get our bodies ready for the training we're doing. These movements are simple, but we urge you not to rush through them with questionable form. This is a great opportunity to practice "Virtuosity" and do the common uncommonly well. also, remember this is not a WOD, it is a warmup, so keep moving, but don't burn yourself out racing through for time, and we will stop the group at 12-15 minutes. The Warm up is:

Run or Row

Samson Stretch (30 seconds each side)

2-3 rounds of:

10 Overhead Squats

10 GHD Sit ups

10 Dips

10 Pull ups

10 Hip Extensions

10 Push Ups

If you have the strength and mastery of the above movements you may choose to substitute:

10 Overhead Squat, 45#

10 Ring Dips/ring dip progressions

10 Dead hangs instead of a kip or pratice butterfly

10 Handstand Push Ups

Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance- 3+3+3 @ 70% (of Power Snatch) x 3, @ 75% x 2

Example for an athlete with a 187# Power Snatch:

3 Power Snatch, 3 Snatch Push Press, 3 Snatch Balance @ 130# for three sets,

3 Power Snatch, 3 Snatch Push Press, 3 Snatch Balance @ 140# for two sets.


For time:

75 Wall Ball, 20#
25 Power Clean, 155#
100 Double Unders

Post results to!