Friday 121214
/Farewell, Dallas!
Dallas has been a part of Foundry CrossFit since the garage days, when I taught one 6am class. He would run from his house, sometimes with his dog, Shady, in tow, do the WOD, then run home! We quickly became friends, went on numerous movie dates (with one empty seat between of course), and I always like being around the guy.
Unfortunately, life is pulling him back to Philly, so we must say goodbye. (Tear!) I speak for myself, and the rest of the gym when I say: YOU WILL BE MISSED! Keep in touch, get a FB account, and if you follow any of our WOD's, post your times and talk some smack!
2 Power Cleans E.M.O.M for 10 minutes. Drop each rep.
"Adios Dallas"
20 Minute AMRAP:
2 Tire Flips
Sprint 150m
20 Wall Balls
15 Burpees