Monday 130211- Throwdown

Gym is closed on Saturday for CrossFit Defense Course. It's not to late to register! Click here!

For time:
20 Front Squats, 135#
30 Box Jump, 24"
40 KB Swing, 53#
50 Wall Ball

100 Abmat Sit-ups for time

Post results to StrengthDiary.

On Saturday, we took on CrossFit Palm Springs in a Throwdown. We had about 25 of our athletes compete against 15 of theirs in a workout that consisted of:
5 minutes to find 1 Rep Max Squat Clean
Rest 1 minute
21-15-9 reps:
KB Swing
Goblet Squat

Weights of KB determined the division you competed in. 70# advanced, 53# intermediate, 35# beginner for men and 53/35/26 for ladies. This workout was not announced or practiced and the squat clean portion was a total surprise. The movements were judged, and "no reps" were handed out!

TJ and John from CFPS ran the warmup, and we ran heats by division until everyone was done. It's a long way from Palm Springs, and we appreciate the athletes who drove out and gave their all during the competition. It was fantastic to expand our community into theirs and make new friends! We're looking forward to the next time we can do something like that again.

All that being said, I have something to say to the Foundry Athletes that participated: YOU ALL MADE US SO F@CKING PROUD! The podium finishes by our athletes were plentiful, but here's what we were happier about- PR's on squat cleans were happening all day long from Summer hitting 83# to Riz blowing everyone away when he cleaned 305.

During the metcon, you guys made the KB swings look effortless, and handled the goblet squats with ease- even though we NEVER do those. Burpees? No problem. We got to walk around, watch you guys work, and felt great about the strength and quality of your movement, your drive and your heart!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting us coach you all and for doing such a great job!

Gene and Tiff