Thursday 130221- Visitor or Newbie?

Remember how intimidated you were coming to your first CrossFit class? Have you ever dropped into another CrossFit gym while our of town?
Foundry is growing! Wednesday, during the 5 pm class, we had two drop ins from out of town, a semi-regular seasonal member, and someone in their first week at Foundry. If you were in that class, you should know who was who!
I want to remind you how important it is to introduce yourself to a face you don't recognize, show someone who looks lost where the medicine balls or the bathroom is, or grab a newbie and share a squat rack for the day. They'll feel comfortable, much better about their experience at our box and and you'll make a new friend!

7 Min OTM: 2 Hang Squat Cleans

Squat Cleans 135#
Ring Dips