Thursday 130221- Visitor or Newbie?
/Remember how intimidated you were coming to your first CrossFit class? Have you ever dropped into another CrossFit gym while our of town?
Foundry is growing! Wednesday, during the 5 pm class, we had two drop ins from out of town, a semi-regular seasonal member, and someone in their first week at Foundry. If you were in that class, you should know who was who!
I want to remind you how important it is to introduce yourself to a face you don't recognize, show someone who looks lost where the medicine balls or the bathroom is, or grab a newbie and share a squat rack for the day. They'll feel comfortable, much better about their experience at our box and and you'll make a new friend!
7 Min OTM: 2 Hang Squat Cleans
Squat Cleans 135#
Ring Dips