Monday 130318
/We are still very much in the fight! Great job by everyone on this week's tough sprint WOD 13.2. This week's score is made up of: Sean 324 reps, Riz 300, Mitch 290, Tiff 301 (she crushed a second attempt), Erin 290, and Maranda 270.
We had a few athletes repeat the WOD this week, with about a 50% rate of getting a better score. I want everyone to consider the Friday attempt a one and only shot, and give it your all. Repeating these workouts increases your risk of injury, takes the fun out of the competition, and gives you a false sense of where you rank! In a real competition, you get one shot, not two or three or four...
SATURDAY CLASS AT 7:00am only due to hosting CrossFit Rowing Cert.
Backsquat 5x3
4 rounds of:
10 power cleans 135/95
20 toes to bar
30 push-ups