Saturday 130125
/ It has come to my attention (indirectly) that there is some grumbling happening in our community about the different groups training at the gym. I hope in this post to settle some of these issues.
First I want to say that Foundry CrossFit only exists because of you. My intention and goal is to create an environment where you love to come and work hard to improve your fitness and your life. If there is something you feel we can improve PLEASE COME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT IT. If there is something going on that bothers you PLEASE COME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT IT. I hate hearing things through the grapevine. We're all adults, let's behave as such.
The issue that has been brought up is regarding the different training that some athletes do instead of the WOD posted the the gym, who's doing it, and when the training happens. If you're oblivious to this, you may not even need to read the rest of this post. If you are fired up about it, I hope my explanation will change how you feel.
There are 5 guys and 2 girls that are consistently following competitor programming with the intent of competing at a high level. These athletes have consistent movement, a high level of strength and skill at barbell and gymnastic movements and have the desire and fitness to train longer, heavier and harder than most are able to handle. They require less coaching, and are more or less self sufficient.
There have been times when an athlete who does not necessarily meet all of these requirements has joined in for a workout. I have heard joking references to "the cool kids," "invictus corner," and "elite athletes" more and more lately, which never happened when Sean and I used to hit a training session together. It seems to me that some athletes are wondering why they haven't been included or what makes the athletes that have been included special. What we had considered just an innocent invitation for someone to train with us has been taken as an insult to the uninvited. To solve this problem, we have decided to end the practice of extending invitations to train. Training with a coach isn't all that great anyway- if we're in the middle of a WOD, we aren't watching or helping anyone! Training in a class with a coach watching you is the best way to develop your mechanics, consistency and intensity.
I think there is a belief that the training we are following is better or the key to a higher level of fitness, or that if we're doing it everyone else should be too. Rich Froning (CrossFit Games champ) trains longer, harder, and more often than any other Games competitor, but just doing what he does will not make anyone as good as him. In fact, the volume would probably crush 80% of games athletes! I program the workouts for Foundry will goals in mind: strength, technique, and well rounded fitness. Now that the Open is upon us, I'm slanting that focus towards movements we're likely to see so that everyone in the gym can participate in the Open and perform to their potential.
If you think the Foundry WOD isn't enough for you or is "too easy," your name better be at the top of the leaderboard every day, and your movement better be flawless! If you want to work more on a skill and you're not interrupting another class, spend a few minutes doing so. If you demonstrate to me and the other coaches that you need more, we'll give you more. Otherwise, please trust the coach in your class, and the programming I write with your best interest in mind.
If I could train at noon or 2:00pm when the gym was empty I would, but I can't. I would prefer not to be interrupting a class and stay out your way! Unfortunately it just isn't possible for me to train at any other times, so I do what I must. The athletes who train with me are working around my schedule. They are helping me to be better by giving me someone to chase or stay ahead of, in the same way your group classes help you to be better. It is much harder to push myself through grueling wods all alone... Anyone doing different training during a class will do their best to stay out of the way of an ongoing class, and we'll try to keep it down too!
There is also a misconception that our "team" is predetermined. When it comes to the Open, each and every athlete who registers is on our team, and anyone can make a score that helps us. If we were to qualify for Regionals, a selection would have to take place at that time for who to send to Regionals. Our chances are not fantastic this year for qualifying a team, so this year's Open should be a pretty fun and stress free competition! I encourage everyone to sign up and be a part of Foundry's team.
I want to stress that we are one community on a common path towards health and fitness, and we are all in this together. I enjoy watching a girl get her first pull-ups as much (if not more so) than Sean deadlifting 500 pounds! Beyond that, I'm even more interested in watching the community grow and strengthen as people forge friendships and create new healthy lifestyles. The gym is in operation because of the entire community, and no one member is more important than another.
If you have additional concerns or questions, please let me know. I'm always available for discussion and I'm here to serve!