Tuesday 151117

We started a new warm up routine on Monday. Each day will be a set of exercises for you to quickly rotate through. Be ready to start class on time and get going. If there's a particular mobilization or stretch you need, get it done before class starts. Here's tomorrow's warm up:

3 rounds:
Row 200m
7 Kipping Pull ups (7 Jumping Pull ups)
5 Ring Dips (5 Spotted Ring Dips/Bar Dips)
7 GHD Sit-ups (7 GHD sit-ups to parallel or V Ups)
7 Goblet Squats
10 KB Swings

We will have a clock going and you should be able to complete most of these exercises within :30 and transition to the next within :30. Always perform as many of the reps as you can, scale as needed and move on quickly to the next thing on the list. We will vary the warm up and you will have a chance to build some strength and capacity in these important movements.

Front Squat Heavy Double

Six sets for max calories of:
60 seconds of Assault Bike
Rest 3 minutes

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Power Clean x 2 reps

Immediately followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):Power Clean x 1 rep

Immediately followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):Clean x 1 rep

Immediately followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):Clean Pulls x 2 reps

Weight on the barbell should increase throughout the 24 minutes.

In 15 minutes or less, build to today’s “heavy”…
Back Squat x 1 rep

The goal is to establish today’s “heavy” lift. “Heavy” for the day is the load immediately before that at which you would lose proper mechanics and positioning. Stop as soon as you determine that you’ve reached that load.

Every two minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets of each):
Station 1 – Back Squat x 3 reps @ 2-4% heavier than last week
(this should be somewhere between 76-85% if you’re just joining)
Station 2 – 10 Burpees to Target 6″ Above Reach

For max reps:
Toes to Bar x Max Unbroken Reps