Tuesday 150407

Split Jerk- Heavy Single

12:00 AMRAP:
5 Man Makers 55/35
10 C2B Pull ups
15 KB Swings, 70/53

A.Three sets, not for time, of:
Wall Climbs x 2-4 reps
Muscle-Ups x 3-6 reps
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
B.In 15-20 minutes, build to a heavy Jerk – with 5 of the attempts within 75-90% of your 1-RM.
C.Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Weighted Pull-Ups x 3 reps
Work as heavy as possible here. Build to something that feels like a heavy triple before you start the clock, and then try to hold that load for triples for all five sets.
D. Class Metcon