Wednesday 160330
/Foundry Open 2016 Final Standings
Congratulations to Adam M, Eric, Kyler, Marisa, Melissa, Perry, Rebecca and Tania for taking Frst Place in the Foundry Open! They are $580 richer and have bragging rights until next year!
Second Place and $260 goes to Adam J, Christina, Jessica, Kim, Mayra, Mitch, Nick and Prezell.
Third Place and $120 goes to Brad, Daniel, Gene, Jacqueline, Jason G, Lynette, Misty and Travis.
A job well done goes out to every athlete who participated and poured their blood sweat and tears into the last 5 weeks of workouts. I can hardly wait until next year!
21-15-9 reps:
Deadlift, 225#
Handstand Push Ups
Rest as needed, then,
50-40-30-20-10 reps:
Double Unders
Sit ups