Wednesday 160330

Foundry Open 2016 Final Standings 

Foundry Open 2016 Final Standings



Congratulations to Adam M, Eric, Kyler, Marisa, Melissa, Perry, Rebecca and Tania for taking Frst Place in the Foundry Open! They are $580 richer and have bragging rights until next year! 

Second Place and $260 goes to Adam J, Christina, Jessica, Kim, Mayra, Mitch, Nick and Prezell.  

Third Place and $120 goes to Brad, Daniel, Gene, Jacqueline, Jason G, Lynette, Misty and Travis.  

A job well done goes out to every athlete who participated and poured their blood sweat and tears into the last 5 weeks of workouts. I can hardly wait until next year! 



21-15-9 reps: 

Deadlift, 225# 

Handstand Push Ups

Rest as needed, then, 


50-40-30-20-10 reps: 

Double Unders

Sit ups