Monday 160111

Olga is in her 60's and has been CrossFitting with us for over 4 years!

Olga is in her 60's and has been CrossFitting with us for over 4 years!

Did you see the post on New Year's Day about goals? I'm assuming the answer is no since only one, yes ONE, athlete in the gym told me what her goals are. Go back, read the post, and figure out what you want to accomplish!


Warm up #2

Speed Deadlift 8x3


EMOM for 15:00: 

10 Wall Ball + 10 Burpees


Ryan demonstrating how to meet girls at the bar. 

Ryan demonstrating how to meet girls at the bar. 

Tuesday is (sadly) Ryan Hamada's last day at Foundry as he is moving to San Diego and preparing to open his own gym. We have really enjoyed having him at the gym, watching him progress as an Olympic Lifter and appreciated all of his helpful tips to us silly CrossFitters! We're going to gather for a goodbye beer or club soda at Eureka in Indian Wells around 7:30 Monday night. If you can stop by to say goodbye, please do!