Monday 121210 - Register for the NLI!

Check Out the GUN SHOW!

Gracie, Romina, and Charlene competed for the first time on Saturday at the NLI Warrior Soul III competition put on by Legendary Competitor. We are so proud of them for putting themselves out there and busting their butts in front of hundreds of people! Competing is fun, and gives your daily training focus and purpose. I want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to consider competing! There are multiple levels of competiton, so you don't need to be able to do muscle ups and clean and jerk 2x your body weight to participate.

The NLI is 3 one day competitons spread out over several months. Each single day event has a winner, and the series has a winner as well. Attend all three events, and you will be tested in a wide variety of movements, time domains, and physical skills. The next series of competitons starts on February 2, 2013. Register here!

Bench Press 5x3

3 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
40 Situps
30 Walking Lunges