Monday 120924

Ladies and Gentlemen of The Foundry, I give you your September Potluck Competition WOD: The CrossFit Total. You will warm up and have 3 attempts each at a 1 rep max Back Squat, Shoulder Press, and Deadlift. A free pdf about the CrossFit total can be found here.

Here is a video of some CrossFit Games Athletes and Dave Castro performing the WOD in Dave's garage gym. These are some very strong dudes, but are their lifts legit? Why or why not? Watch the video and comment below.

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes:

1 Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats

Use 90% of your 1 RM Power Snatch (or go as heavy as possible)


Conditioning- 5 Rounds for time:

45# Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges, 50ft (once across gym)

21 Burpees

Everyone could RX this WOD, but I want it done in 9-14 minutes, so scale appropriately. There is a 3/4 mile run penalty for going beyond 14 minutes.

Post time to

Rope Climbs Thursday. Dress/Protect accordingly!