Tuesday 130611

To All of you doing the paleo challenge, we will be doing a workout before and after to test your fitness while eating healthy. We will be doing the workout on Thursday of this week. We will be testing your body composition on Friday starting at 4:30pm. Make sure not to eat for at least 2hrs prior and limit your liquid intake. For those of you who cannot make it on Friday night please contact coach Tiff to set up an alternate time. Tiff will be doing a grocery store tour on Thursday at Sprouts at 10:30. We will be giving you all a handout with the guidelines of the challenge, along with recipes we will be posting to our website. We'd like everyone to pick a buddy, someone you can be accountable to, trade recipes with, and help support while you're on this journey! We will be having a paleo potluck on Friday, June 28th after the 5pm class.

Front Squat 90% x1x2

5 Rounds, each for time:
Row 250m
20 KB Swings, 70/53
Rest 1:1