Monday 130715
/If you've come to the 5pm class on Tuesday or Thursday lately you've probably noticed that the gym is FULL OF KIDS! The growth of the kids program seems to have exploded overnight. Because there are upwards of 12-15 teens and a dozen kids training between 4:15 and 5:00 we need to ask that anyone attending the 5 pm class wait to row/stretch/use the pull-up rig/otherwise be in the way until 5pm. Not only is their safety a concern, but it's also their class time, and they deserve to be able to finish their WOD without dodging a bunch of people. Thanks in advance for understanding!
Paleo challenge people- this is the final stretch! We hope you've seen improvements in performance and that clothes are fitting a bit more loosely! We will be repeating Fight Gone Bad on Friday and Saturday and taking measurements/photos then as well. The bodyfat testing machine isn't coming back until Monday or Tuesday (we'll announce the date shortly), so you may want to keep eating well through the weekend... Also, if you haven't paid for the challenge, please do so ASAP.
Weighted Pull Up 5x3
75 Power Snatch, 75#