Wednesday 140924
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Overhead Squat 7x3
(Competitors Snatch + 2 OHS x7)
3 Rounds for time:
5 Rope Climbs
25 Ring Dips
100 Squats
Extra Credit:
5:00 AMRAP of Toes to Bar
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Overhead Squat 7x3
(Competitors Snatch + 2 OHS x7)
3 Rounds for time:
5 Rope Climbs
25 Ring Dips
100 Squats
Extra Credit:
5:00 AMRAP of Toes to Bar
Foundry CrossFit is a strength and conditioning gym located in Bermuda Dunes, Ca, near La Quinta, Palm Desert, Indio and Palm Springs. We offer CrossFit Classes, olympic lifting as well as various other fitness classes and personal training.