If you're cheating, we're aware. Knock it off!
/Today's workout made something obvious to me that I feel needs to be addressed. As a coach, my job is to teach better movement, keep you safe, and push you to do things that you may have never imagined you could do. I need to know where you are at physically to help you get an idea of when and how to scale a workout.
Gene and I pride ourselves in paying close attention to each and everyone of you. If I've ever coached you before and you need advice on what weight to use or how many reps to do, I have a pretty good grasp on what those numbers should be. We pay attention, even in large groups!
What I noticed happening today, happens more often than I'd like. In fact, I'd prefer it didn't happen at all, but there's been enough of it going on that I wanted to acknowledge it, and put it to an end.
There are people saying/writing/posting numbers of reps that they did not physically do. I have a problem with this for a variety of reasons.
When we record our numbers in strength diary, we do so in order to keep track of our progress. CrossFit is evidence based fitness, that's why we time workouts and keep track of our lifts. One of the reasons a lot of us get hooked on CrossFit is because we can physically see ourselves getting stronger and faster as our lifts go up and WOD times go down. However, if you're recording false numbers to make yourself feel better or to be at the top of the leaderboard, you're completely missing out on what we're trying to achieve. On today's WOD, if you did 15 dubs/9 cal row/5 t2b but posted 30/12/10 in strength diary, what's going to happen when we do this workout again? You're going to look back on what you recorded and either forget how many reps you lied about or you're going to forget you lied at all and when you can't keep up, you're going to think your fitness is taking a nose dive! You're doing absolutely nothing good for yourself by being dishonest. You're actually hurting your own progress.
We all love CrossFit for different reasons, a lot of us like the competitive nature-it makes us feel like an athlete again. Strength diary not only tracks our numbers but it also can keep us motivated to work hard based on the numbers of the other members on the leaderboard. If you're putting in false numbers just to be at the top, you're doing yourself and everyone else a disservice and you're not fooling anyone. WE pay attention to you and what you're doing and so does the person next to you!
It's just not cool to lie, even about a seemingly silly thing like reps on a workout. It's not fair to you or to the other people who try their best and are honest with their numbers, even if that means being a little bit lower on the leaderboard! The truth always comes out eventually, so don't add a couple of reps to get a better score. Gene and I are not above counting people's reps, in fact, that's one of the reasons we know this is going on. We tell people all the time to "Leave your ego at the door" because ultimately, the only person you're trying to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
Keep working hard, scale if you need to, but record what you do accurately!
-Coach Tuff
Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat- Heavy
9-6-3 Reps:
225# Front Squat
Muscle ups