Friday 151016

Save the date! Saturday October 31st- Halloween WOD at 10:00am and potluck afterwards at 12:00pm. Kyler is bringing out his smoker for the occasion so we'll supply the meat, just bring a side to enjoy! It's an annual tradition to wear your costumes, so plan accordingly!

Build quickly to 85% of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk, and then…

For time: 10 Clean & Jerks @ 85% of 1-RM

*If you fail an attempt, perform 10 burpees over the barbell before making another attempt.

5 rounds for times:
45 Cal Row
Rest 2-3 minutes


Clean and Jerks as above


Ten sets of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps
(all sets performed between 90-95% of your 1-RM)
Rest 3 minutes between sets.


For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike

Rest until the clock reaches 5:00, and then…

For time:
Perform your Penalty Calories of Assault Bike*

Males – Perform 1 calorie of Assault Bike for every second over 60 seconds on Part C. If you performed your 50 calories for Part C in less than 60 seconds, your score for Part D should be listed as 0:00.
Females – Perform 1 calorie of Assault Bike for every second over 2 minutes on Part C. If you performed your 50 calories for Part C in less than 2 minutes, your score for Part D should be listed as 0:00.”