Monday 161219
/2nd Annual Foundry CrossFit Hike for Hunger!
These are just a few of the many wonderful people who participated on Saturday's Hike! We raised $3100 for the FIND Food Bank and since $1 buys 7 meals, we're effectively donating 21,700 meals. During my many loops through the Bump and Grind I came up with an idea of how to run the event for next year, and I hope even more of you will participate!
EMOM for 10:00:
Back Squat 1 Rep
Death by Clean and Jerk
Minute 1: 1 Clean and Jerk, 95#
Minute 2: 2 Clean and Jerk, 95#
Minute 3: 3 Clean and Jerk, 95#
and so on until you can no longer complete the required reps