Monday 160222

Greg Everett and us after the Olympic Weightlifting Seminar Foundry hosted this weekend.  

Greg Everett and us after the Olympic Weightlifting Seminar Foundry hosted this weekend.  

The first workout for the Open is announced this Thursday! In past years we have made Friday Nights the time for everyone to get together and do the WOD, but this year some schedule conflicts will not allow us to do this. We have two alternate options, and the majority will rule. Option 1: Saturday morning at 9:00am. Option 2: Saturday Evening at 5pm. Please let a coach know which will work better for you. Also, get your $20 entry fee into a coach by this Wednesday or you won't be put on a team!

As a backup for those of you who cannot make it at all on Saturday, the Open workout will be our Workout of the Day in all regular classes on Friday.  


Sumo Deadlift 5x3 (heavier than last week)

3 Rounds for max reps:

1:00 Rope Climbs

1:00 Assault Bike (cal) 

1:00 Handstand Push Ups

1:00 GHD Situps

1:00 KB Swings, 53# 

1:00 Rest