Friday 160401- April Contest!

Love this place! 

Love this place! 

How many 400m laps can you run in 1 month?We will be holding a little contest in the month of April. It is open to everyone in the gym and it is something everyone can do! There will be no judges, and the honor system is in play.

Here's how it works:

1. Every 400m lap prescribed in a warm up or WOD counts towards your total for the month of April. 800m counts as two, 1 mile as four, etc. Two 200m runs do NOT count as a 400m.

2. Extra laps can be run before or after a WOD as desired.

3. Neatly record your name and your current lap total on the small orange whiteboard near the pull up bar so everyone to see.

4. You must "check in" on Facebook or Instagram and post a pic with your current total whenever you run.

Goofy face is optional! 

Goofy face is optional! 

On May 1st, the two lap runner and one additional randomly drawn athlete will receive $50 gift cards to The Grill on Main, owned by members Brett and Elena. Everyone else will receive an increased amount of fitness in the form of endurance and stamina!


If you do the running in today's WOD as RX, check in and give yourself 10 laps!


5 Rounds for time: 

Run 800m

30 KB Swings, 70# 

30 Pull ups

This is not an April fool's joke...