Tuesday 160503

Tiff recording the results. 

Tiff recording the results. 

Why do we write down times and scores in CrossFit?

1. Tracking your results gives us the ability to see whether or not we are improving.  If it takes me 12 minutes to do the WOD, but 6 months ago it took me 14:00, I can now see that I'm fitter. 

2. Having our time/score recorded gives us one more reason to push a little bit harder. if you train alone, and don't have to be accountable for what work you've done, it's easy to cut corners and/or give up.

3. Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit said that "Men will die for points." I have learned this to be true in the almost 7 years of running Foundry. Know what else I've learned? Women will KILL for points. A bit of competition is fun, and for most of us, completely gone from our daily adult life. 


Push Press 7x1



Row 1000m, then: 

5 rounds: 

25 pull ups

7 Shoulder to Overhead, 135#