High Fives and F#*% Yeahs!
/I love seeing members of the community support each other!
One of the best things about CrossFit is that it is a community of like minded people who support each other. We don't isolate ourselves into our own world with headphones, we don't avoid eye contact with other humans, and we don't watch TV while we train. What we do is say hello and introduce ourselves to new faces, joke with and encourage each other during the workout, and cheer on the last person working!
A few months ago I told a Saturday class about a tradition I want to start at Foundry. It's very simple, but makes any warmup or workout a little more fun and takes your mind off of the suffering you might be going through. It goes like this: next time you cross paths with another athlete during a run, give him/her a high five and say "Fuck Yeah!" Now I understand that some people prefer not to swear, and I don't want them to feel excluded, so feel free to use the swear substitute of your choice or give the high five and say "Foundry" or "French Toast."
REMINDER: Thursday 5:30pm Nutrition Challenge Outline and Lecture