Monday 120827

Final Scores from the Competition WOD at Foundry last Friday. There were some great performances, and I think everyone did great! I think a month of Double Under practice did everyone some good, and even if you didn't get 100 done, you probably got more done than you expected!
Our next potluck/competition will be the last Friday of September, so mark your calendars. The workout will be announced soon, and we will pick a movement to practice throughout the month. Stay posted!

This birthday workout was created by BMac for me and Tiffani (he could have just got me a gift card!). It was originally even worse, but I made a few minor changes to make it slightly more tolerable. Please use your head on this one and scale it appropriately. 23 reps may be enough for you...

Why today? My actual birthday is Wednesday, but I'm flying to Park City that day to do a weekend seminar called the Coaches Prep Course. The focus of the seminar is on coaching cues, techniques, and seeing and correcting movement. I hope to come back with new tools to help you all reach your goals with!

Gene and Tiff's 33rd Birthday Chipper WOD

Run 400m
33 Pull Ups
33 Shoulder to Overhead, 95#
33 KB Swings, 70#
33 Thrusters, 95#
33 Toes to Bar
33 Power Cleans, 95#
Run 400m