Monday 130311

13.1 is in the books! As I write this, our team sits in 33 place in the SoCal region. That may shift a bit due to late scores being validated, but it's very exciting to be near the top! At the end of the Open, the top 30 teams get invited to regionals, so we still have some work to do. Our team score is calculated by adding the top 3 men's and top 3 women's scores each week. This week's score is comprised of: Erin 166 reps, Mallory 164 reps, Tiffani 163 reps, Sean 167 reps, Mitch 166 reps, Riz 160 reps.

Friday night was amazing, and the energy in the gym was fantastic as we put almost 50 people through the WOD. I can't wait for Wednesday's announcement of 13.2 and next Friday night!

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
15 Wallball
10 Toes to Bar
5 Shoulder to Overhead