Monday 130422

Congratulations to Sean McChesney for finally getting his well deserved invite to Regionals! The Socal Regional is Friday, May 17th through Sunday, May 19th and is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. If you can, please make plans to come out to support him!
Last year they took the top 60 athletes from the Open into the Regional competiton. Sean qualified at 54th. After three days of competition he finished 27th. Quite a difference when the judging is more consistent and everyone competes at the same time.
This year, after starting the Open with pnemonia, Sean finished 57th, but, with the number of competitors in the Open doubling, they decided to take the top 48. Makes sense, right? Inevitably, some of the top 48 decide to go with their team, instead of competing as individuals. The CrossFit Games Rulebook states: "If a significant amount of invited athletes chose not to compete as individuals, CrossFit may (at its sole discretion) invite additional athletes in order of their Open finish." With that in mind, we waited for 9 athletes to decline their Regional invitation, and when 10 athletes did, we were very excited!
Last week, HQ sent out a second round of invitations to fill out the competiton, to 46 athletes. Wait, what? 46? Why 46? how do you divide that into heats? 2 heats of 23? 23 heats of 2? Four 10's and a heat of 3? It made no sense, but according to the wording of the Rules, its entirely up to them. An email was sent to Games Support asking about 46, and asking if any further invites would be sent, the response was, in short, "no." Sean accepted, and ate some cupcakes.
Apparently something changed, because today Sean received his invitation, and after losing 2 weeks of training towards the event, is going to Regionals for the second year in a row. I look forward to watching him do well, and finish in the top half of the Men's field. It was a rough road to get there, but I'm sure all will be forgotten when he hears "3, 2, 1, GO!"

Your goal this week: beat last week's numbers. Didn't log them into StrengthDiary? Have fun guessing.

Split Jerk, 4RM. 90% of that x 4 x 2

Back Squat 5RM. 90% of that x 5 x 4

When finished, perform 3 rounds of: Max Unbroken Reps Toes to Bar, Max Unbroken Reps Push Ups, Max Unbroken Reps Double Unders. Rest as needed between efforts, and if you don't have Dubs, practice one minute per round.