Tuesday 161101 ROWvember
/Tania ❤️'s to Row!
Welcome to ROWvember!
Throughout the month of November we will be asking you to keep track of the number of METERS you row. You will round down to the nearest 100 (599m = 500m), and put your running total on the Orange board near the pull up rig. Your warm ups, WOD meters and any extra meters rowed at the gym count, as long as you CHECK IN at Foundry on social media of your choice.
Although any meters rowed count, we highly encourage you to try to put some specific practice into your time on the machine. A good idea to start the month is to test pieces like 500m, 1000m, 2000m, and 5000m rows. Then, throughout the month, do interval practice like 4-8x 500m, rest 3:00, 5x 1000m, rest 1:30, 20x250m row rest :30 (5000m total), etc. Your coach can give you ideas here. Then, finish off the month by retesting the workouts you did at the beginning!
We are also offering a one hour Rowing Clinic November 17 at 6:00pm (limited to 10 athletes) for just $20. Register just like you would sign up for a class.
Happy Rowing!
Back Squat 6x2
"GI Jane"
100 Burpee Pull ups for time
Weighted Planks 3x1:00