Wednesday 160921
/9-12-15-18-21-24 reps:
KB Swing, 53#
Cash Out:
3x20 Back Extensions
9-12-15-18-21-24 reps:
KB Swing, 53#
Cash Out:
3x20 Back Extensions
EMOM for 30:00
Minute 1: Deadlift 3 Reps
Minute 2: 35 Double Unders
Minute 3: 10 Handstand Push ups
Back Squat 3x5
5 Rounds:
Row 250m
25 Thrusters, 45#
15 Toes to Bar
Snatch 5x2
AMRAP in 12:00:
Row 300m
10 Burpee over Erg (or Barbell)
15 Overhead Squats, 95#
Every Minute on the Minute: 1 Split Jerk @ 80-85%
3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 Handstand Pushups
3 Rope Climbs
Foundry CrossFit is a strength and conditioning gym located in Bermuda Dunes, Ca, near La Quinta, Palm Desert, Indio and Palm Springs. We offer CrossFit Classes, olympic lifting as well as various other fitness classes and personal training.